Mummy Wins in the Coaching Program 🥳

Mummy wins!

Before I joined the program, I was frustrated with my child and didn’t understand her behaviour and what she wants. I struggled with understanding her needs and I was impatient with her.

After the program, I feel I understand her better and knowing there’s always an underlying reason for their behaviour makes me more willing to be patient with her.

Now, I’ve improved my communication with her, I can understand her better and communication seems more effective with her. I’m not losing my patience so easily with her.

I love everything about the program! Eshlyn puts her point across in a concise manner, easy to understand and the topics are all relatable. She has good advice to give and always have a solution for every child problem.


Mum of 13 month old daughter

  • Understand my daughter better because there’s an underlying reason for her behaviours

  • Feel more patient with her now and communication seems much more effective

“I feel that I enjoy motherhood a bit more now.”

Before joining the program, I was clueless and unsure of what I can do with my son. I was unsure of his needs and how to meet his sensory needs. I was feeling less confident in engaging him. There's so much information on the internet, and I felt unsure what is helpful and what kind of activities will be suitable for him.

Now, I know his needs better.

Eshlyn helped me to fine tune my rhythm and his rhythm. I'm able to reflect and make changes.

Now, I enjoy moments with him. I have strategies to manage him when he’s having a meltdown. Using the communication method, and during our home sessions, Eshlyn helped me to see other alternatives. For example, when my son is shouting, she modelled how to respond to him.

During the program, I was impressed by the knowledge Eshlyn has and touched by her passion and love for kids. I can feel that Eshlyn is very sincere. I appreciate that I could learn things that I could apply.

Now, I am feeling more confident of what are the things I can do with our son. Also, better able to manage the difficulties arising with taking care of him. I will recommend parents who are struggling and wants to improve their parenting skills with their child.


Mum of 8 month old son 

  • Feeling more confident carrying out activities with my son.

  • Better able to understand his different needs - physical, social, cognitive and sensory.

  • I feel that I enjoy motherhood a bit more.

“Now, everything is clearer. I feel that my son is more focus in learning. I also understand what is going on and why he is behaving in a certain way.”

  • As a first-time parent, this program really works very well. It’s a customised program.

  • Everything is clearer now. I feel that my son is more focus in learning now.

  • We tried out sensory play, spend more time with him, and he became overall much happier and more holistic.what writing here

I feel as young parents, we don’t have much ideas, and we might not be able to handle things the proper way. I had a lot of questions and parenting was a guessing game. Sometimes, unpredictable situations happen, and as young parents, we do not know how to handle.

I have totally zero experience in handling a toddler as a first-time mum. And it’s more of wanting to be better, and have less struggles along the way. It’s like “We don’t want to struggle, so we join your program.”

Now, everything is clearer. I feel that my son is more focus in learning now. I also understand what is going on and why he is behaving in a certain way. I can guide him better and in a more proper way. I can also see that he is happier now. He listens to us more and he is more understanding and less cranky. He follows instructions more. We tried out sensory play, spend more time with him, and he became overall much happier and more holistic.

Win #1 — I feel I understand him more. It’s easy to understand. Initially, we don’t know what his behaviour means, now he has less struggles and frustrations. He knows how to express himself through gestures.

Win #2 — There was a period of time, where he kept climbing all over the furniture and he wanted new toys and got bored with everything. Now we keep rotating the toys, and try out new sensory play and he enjoys painting. I gave him some painting sessions with all the different activities. He feels happier at home.

Win #3 — Sometimes, he melts down and he wants what he wants. We don’t give it to him. He will throw a tantrum. Now, knowing and learning more about sensory (systems), understand more about the motor skills, especially the different types of motor skills, how a kid thinks and how children use their left and right brain. Now, I can give him more activities to balance his mood.

The 1:1 Program helps me to see things more clearly, and manage him in a more systematic way. Rather than, like doing things in a guessing game way. Everything is clearer now.

Our communication with our son has changed too. He is more mature now. He understands things more as a toddler. He understands us better as a parent rather than being cranky and struggling based on what he wants.

Previously, if we didn't go through this (1:1 program), we will probably be using force, or strict way of approach, like scolding. Natural human reaction towards a child. Most parents will do that. It’s definitely not a one or two day thing. It’s a gradual thing.

I learnt more - something that I never knew about sensory (systems). I understand further and more in depth, learn more about the right and left brain and how to work on the child, that’s very interesting. I also learnt about activities that stimulate the left-and-right brain. It interests me and I read up more. We enjoy ourselves more as we play. It also builds the family bonding sessions.

Rather than last time, before, I don’t know much, we will let him watch tv, leave him alone and play his own toys and I do my own work.

Eshlyn will guide parents to understand your own child without struggling too much and guessing your child’s behaviour. Also, the flow of the program, it’s not by the book. To me, this program is very individual. I can take it and share it with someone, but will it fit to their kid?

It’s a very personal program. It’s a customised program.


Mum of 18-month-old son

“My kids are able to understand me and follow my instructions better now!”

Before I met Eshlyn, I was very unstructured in my parenting, not sure what to do and how to do it. I was feeling scared to start educating my kids because I don't like to fight with my kids. I was struggling with giving rules, setting boundaries, and communicating effectively.

During our sessions, Eshlyn guided me step-by-step on parenting better such as improving my communication with my kids, helping me to build confidence and trust from my kids.

Now after working with Eshlyn, she taught me how to be more clear with my instructions such as pre-empting my kids. Now my kids are more accepting to my instructions and explanation.

Now, I feel more confident to make small steps in my parenting, and I am also able to have two-way communication with my kids.

I can understand them better and they can understand me better.

I feel that, as a family, we can progress together hand-in-hand.


Mum of two children aged 2.5 and 3.5

  • Communicate efficiently with my kids: I was scared to try, but after trying Eshlyn's methods, my kids are able to understand me and follow my instructions better now!

  • I love the 1-to-1 guidance: It is very specific to my case and I received a lot of guidance for my parenting journey.

  • Providing alternatives to solve issues at home: Eshlyn gives me a lot of alternatives that suits my parenting styles and family circumstances.

There is another way, and
I can teach you how.

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